Every Woman Housed
A Fundraising Raid Train for the Downtown Women’s Center in Los Angeles

Huge love to everyone who helped us raise $1465 for the Downtown Women’s Center! What an incredible weekend!! Blew past our goal of $1000, but the campaign is still active!!! You can donate anytime to help women dealing with homelessness on Skid Row

Join us all day Mother’s Day while we raise money for the Downtown Women’s Center in Los Angeles, CA. The Downtown Women’s Center is Los Angeles’s only public program dedicated to helping the women of Skid Row escape homelessness. These 12 DJs from 3 continents are helping raise funds and awareness for this important organization. Please join us! And donate!
Lineup – Times are PST
- 10 AM Hdubs – www.twitch.tv/MetroSessions
- 11 AM Monalisa – www.twitch.tv/Monalisa7872
- 12 PM Jillian X – www.twitch.tv/djJillian_x
- 1 PM Jen Rock – www.twitch.tv/DJJenRock
- 2 PM Lady Melza – www.twitch.tv/LadyMelza
- 3 PM DJ HoneyFlow – www.twitch.tv/DJ_HoneyFlow
- 4 PM Seeps – www.twitch.tv/Foreverseeps
- 5 PM Ella De Vuono – www.twitch.tv/EllaDeVuono
- 6 PM Marquessa – www.twitch.tv/MarquessaMusic
- 7 PM LABellatini – www.twitch.tv/LABellatini
- 8 PM Shaine – www.twitch.tv/GRNGLD
- 9 PM Heart Pressure – www.twitch.tv/MetroSessions