Metro Sessions 26 featuring Apiwe Bubu & Alleygorgon


Sunday May 3rd 7-9 PM

Metro Sessions is back! We didn’t forget about our 26th consecutive first Sunday show! Got a great one for you:

Apiwe Bubu

returns to Metro Sessions! He blew us away with his deep club sounds at the Metro Sessions LA Tenants Union benefit last fall, and he’s back with a new set.


LA 909 empress Alleygorgon is bringing those hard beats to our show, something to hold you over until we can catch their night in Ktown again!

films by Lutz Mommartz

an early German pioneer of “other” cinema, Lutz Mommartz has a lot of great films in the Internet Archive, including this one in our flyer. They are pretty bizarre and employ a lot of old altered film techniques. We’ll look at variety of shorts from 1967-1992 before and after the stream, starting at about 6:30 PM PST

Tune in!